Conflicts between media and leaders should end .

10th July, 2023

Freedom of the press is a fundamental human right and a cornerstone of democracy. It is essential for the media to be able to report on issues without fear of intimidation or violence. The government has a responsibility to protect the freedom of the press and ensure that journalists can do their work without hindrance. It is also important for media houses to uphold journalistic ethics and report the truth without bias or favoritism.

Amongst the discussions that the country needs to have is the role of mainstream media in the society because since 2018 media House have  generally been opposed to truth but used as a remote to certain political divide instead of being a uniting entity.Meru county has become  uncivilized, corrupt  and indisciplined society under the leadership of Hon governor kawira mwangaza.
This comes out clearly after Some goons destroyed the cameras and beat up journalist who were covering an "okolea operation " movement under Hon .Bishop Kawira mwangaza.This was a wrong approach of limiting press freedom.the government should stop intimidating the media so that all the rot in it can be hidden. Otherwise  it's extremely unacceptable.
Let the current government know that Kenya is a democratic country and no one can and should undermine the freedom of press at any cost .
Brian mwenda ,
Journalist  kuza News. 



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