Let us unite to end period stigmatization.

13th July, 2023

Ending girl child period stigmatization requires a collective effort from parents, teachers, community leaders, and policymakers.
Parents should educate their daughters about menstruation and provide them with the necessary resources to manage their periods. Teachers should create a safe and supportive environment for girls to learn and ask questions about their bodies.

Community leaders should promote awareness campaigns to break the stigma and encourage open conversations about menstruation. Policymakers should prioritize menstrual hygiene management in schools and ensure that girls have access to clean and safe toilets, water, and sanitary products.

In conclusion, ending girl child period stigmatization is crucial for the educational development and overall well-being of girls. It's time to break the silence and promote open conversations about menstruation. Let's empower girls to embrace their bodies and reach their full potential.

Winny Onyancha, 
Health journalist, 
Kuza News television. 



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