Yes there is need to give reuniversity students enough coaching.

9th June, 2023

"We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it." 
For several years back, university students have been granted much freedom interms of their academic assessment assuming that they are able to depict what is good for them by themselves and also considering their career desires.

less about their studies and focus more on social activities while others struggle to balance their academic and personal lives. This is a clear indication that freedom without responsibility can lead to chaos and failure.

Therefore, it is important for students to understand that freedom comes with responsibility. They must learn to practice self-discipline, time management, and prioritize their academic goals. They should also seek guidance and support from their lecturers and academic advisors to ensure that they are on the right track.

In conclusion, freedom is not just a claim, but a practice that requires responsibility and discipline. As university students, we must learn to balance our academic and personal lives and make the most of the freedom granted to us. This will not only ensure our academic success but also prepare us for the challenges of the real world.

Juma Philip, 
Education and political journalist,
Kuza news television. 



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