Kenya should now prefer athletics more than football as major sports.

31st May, 2023

Kenyans should just focus on athletics and music, this is the only thing we have control of and can grow in ourselves. Football is just not meant in Kenya, any aspiring footballer in Kenya should just meet with the reality one day. 

Our neighboring countries like Tanzania are doing extremely well in both male and female football. Learn what others do, then improve" No man is an island "Some days back we heard the Minister for sports and culture and the President promising 1 billion shillings to uplift football from grassroot to the main league for both male men and ladies.

To curb these logistics challenges, they should also reduce the number of the teams in the Kenyan Premier League and find a broadcaster that will be airing these matches so that youths country wide will have a chance to witness the concern the government has to them.Let teams also have permanent home grounds to nurture talents from around. Fans will come. The government should also build structures, facilities, and search for serious marketing and goodwill to kick-start dead football in Kenya.

A lot of talents are being wasted in the hoods and villages. Football can be the hub of employment. Football can end the problem of unemployment through investment in sports, it will absorb a chunk of the youth labor force, the other youth to be absorbed in agriculture. Generally, we are used to European football playing around with huge sums of money that we think everyone is entitled's a humble request that the current government should fulfil its promises to youths specifically.

Brian Mwendwa,

sports journalist 

Kuza news television. 



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