Some smearing oils impact human skin.

31st May, 2023

Is the biggest component in the human body buildup ;even though many people still does not know the ways and strategies to keep their skin free from some viral, fungal and bacterial attack.

According to the WHO, many people smear oil on their skin with the reason to shine and to others as herbs as it's contrary to others. According to the doctors, each and every individual, has special and specific skin type that not only oils and fruit juice that's good for their upkeep. There are those type of skins that after every hour is dries up while others experiencing sebum flow. This is a clear indication that the skin seeks special treatment different from others.

It's high time that individuals must evaluate the correct measures to keep the skin heathly ; For instance, a dried skin is at high risk of being affected by warms as the warms can penetrate easily through the pores. If one intends to use a strange oil, it's advisable to consult the experts rather check on the oil container to affirm that it's approved by KEBS or health experts It's here to note that some of these oils also change the skin color; when one tries to blitch.

This exposes these people to danger when it happens that they are scratched by an object or in the scenario if an accident occurs. In the current situation, many youths prefer the use of dye which in turn brings effect to them. This happens where these dye penetrate to the hair follicle therefore, flow inwardly up to where the hairs originate.

Juma Philip Journalist, 

Kuza news television. 



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