10th May, 2023

The Kenya Kwanza government that was elected recently will deliver their promises. The president is moving with speed, trying to fulfill his promises. The numerous promises have been tackled.


At first the president was able to appoint the six judges as he promised during the campaign period. The six judges were not appointed by the previous regime, but President Ruto promised to appoint them as soon as he gets to office. After his swearing in immediately the next day, the president proceeded to appoint them. It was a good move by the president. It gave judiciary hope for the incoming government. Also, the president promised that police force will be an independent body.

The promise came true during the swearing in. The president allocated some money for police officers. So that they can't depend on government to operate. The president fulfilled the promise. The police now will operate without depending on government so much. This move will even remove bias in police sectors. The president also fulfilled the promise of allowing judiciary to be independent.


During swearing in, the president located certain amount of money to judiciary. The amount meant that it will help judiciary conduct its activity without depending on national government. The move was highly welcomed by judiciary. This showed that judiciary will not be controlled by the national government. The president also fulfilled his promise on fertilizer. During previous regime fertilizer was being sold at 6500. The president promised that he will make sure that fertilizer will go down to 3500.

After his swearing in, the president made directive that fertilizer will be purchased at 3500. The president fulfilled his promise. It was a great relief for the farmers. Cost of planting was reduced greatly. Plenty of food will be produced. The president also returned the port to Mombasa. He earlier promised that if he takes power the port that was brought to Naivasha will be sent back to Mombasa where it was. And indeed it was returned. The job that Mombasa residents lost, it was recovered. The president introduced Hustler.

The Hustler fund was the major promise the president fulfilled. More than 10 million Kenyans have benefited from it. Even the president as went ahead to increase the limit. The hustler fund has chipped in to lower the cost of living. The money has made people to began small businesses. What is interesting on hustler fund, us about the interest. The interest charged is so small, unlike other moneylenders. The president has remained with fulfilling promise about lowering cost of living.

The president is working tirelessly to see the economy growing and cost of living returning to equilibrium. For the bandit, the president has put all measures that will help the government to deal with them. Send of Kenya defense forces was another good strategy to deal with the bandit. Peace must restore to Kerio valley and North Eastern of Kenya. The president and Kenya Kwanza government will make their promises true. Only time will prove it.

Bonivace oyunge.

Rongo university,

Political analyst Kuza television.( practitioner )

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