From a matatu conductor to an electrical engineer.The revealed story of Nelson Nyangwara.

10th May, 2023

Electrical engineering is one of the super leading jobs in Kenya today. With the attachment of aggressive skills, one is able to configure the reasons for landing into the similar job, if there is attitude and passion.The industry of engineering is the backbone of almost 80% of the deal in it's objectives. Some of the people who land in the job are youth who have the potential to reveal the reality of what is recommended in the journey towards development.


Among the youth who have raised the bar in ensuring secure and sustainable reasons for landing in the field of engineering is Nelson Nyangwara. Having been born and raised at a ground that demanded justice of resources, he never knew that one time the city of Nairobi, will invite him to the special dinner of employment. The Job that has been of his determination since high school before being exposed to the eyes of the world.


After the commence of his national examination, Nelson explains how he lost his lovely dad while on a difficult time. Having been done, he knew that the addition of more thoughts would result in violence of tomorrow. "I lacked a friend to journey with me on my way. I only got one friend who supported me and made me know what electrical engineering is. Before joining collage to study, I took heed of his advice so that I can understand what life entails."He states.


On his narration, Nelson continues to express the reality that at times life is not easy, it expects patience to be attained. "A after being exposed to the reality of the world. I went to Nairobi, where I got a relative who treated me just like a begotten son. I never loved comfort, but I knew that now it is earlier enough for me to manipulate myself to little jobs before I join collage." In the normal world, one has to lose a job."

On the first trial, the the beautiful flower loses it's flourish and withered. After the job fading away, he got a one thousand paying job in Nairobi City. This made me to get the real vocabulary of life. "I worked in the matatu office for more than two months later. But my desire still rooted to electrical engineering. I used the few resources that I had saved to go for driving school." He never continued to limit the explanation of how the fees for electrical engineering paved.


How did you manage to join electrical engineering school ! "Life I about plan as it is believed. No matter how limited you are. Learning to invest is the basic key. At times, economic hardship may be one of your best bags on your back, but remember where you want to be. I invested after working in bus stages, carrying goods to the vehicles, packing goods was the final say. Though I had a friend in touch, I was the inborn wisdom that made me to land where I am today. After finishing your collage, how did things work? He keeps silence and continues," While I was studying I never targeted to the employed by any organization. Employment is the second priority."


What is the first priority. "Skills." I worked to gain skills. He quotes. Today I don't seek job, job seeks me. In other words, I am self-employed. Every morning I get customers looking for me through phone calls so that they can repair for them broken electric circuits and even installing for them solar panels at their homesteads. How long do you take to commence your work in a day,


"Commencing a job in a day depends on the 24-hour plan system. One may say that each and every one is given the same hours, but the difference arises when I come to the quantity of work in that day. For the last three weeks I have been working from seven in the morning up to ten at night. This shows that without passion and positive attitude, nothing good can come from a bad source. How fluent is your job paying? He laughs and continues. "Payment is an AOB.


The quality of work depends on the amount. If the quality is high, then the pocket is full. "And what if the quality is low ? That one I can't talk about it because I prefer positive attitude. It is good that we progress the conversation with positive attitude. "

What machines do you use in the progress of your work. "I normally use electrical tools such as screwdriver, twisted cables, lamb holders and many more depending on the type of work."


What is your next vision." I am dreaming to be a factory manager when the right time comes. "He laughs," yes you can. Today, I believe that tomorrow can come with different results. My essence of being a director comes out because of what I have been seeing since childhood.

Having been born in Magenche sub location Nyagenke village the palm full of tea, poor services from Both Eberege and Ogembo tea factory have been the trend. The late my farmer Mr Omoke a passionate farmer in tea. His major hobby was tea picking. Despite believing that he will get enough profit in order to pay for us school fees, things usually fall apart. Since then, I have been convinced to be a one moment solution in order to deplete the kinds of menace.


What is your advice to anyone who dreams to attain the dreams related to yours. " First, I would like to advise any parent or guardian who has a child dreaming to attain anything in life that, Success has got different channels.Don't estimate the power of your child. Place him or her on the best area of choice. That is where wealth comes from. To the youth, learn for skills but not for employment. If the skills have wings then jobs will call you." On his final climax, Nelson states that situations are different. Both good and bad must exist in life for one to make it in life.

Vincent  Moses, 


Kuza news. Television. 

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