Let rules be subjected to enhance true worship.

14th May, 2023

It is due to the increase in false sects in the country that has been reported. It is the responsibility of the government to put in place better strategies against false teachings such as murder and illegal prophecy under the pretext of religion.

Believers should stay against controversial training such as not visiting hospitals, taking pills and not being allowed to go to school. A call is issued to all believers to report false training immediately to the relevant department.
Mohammed Ismail gives advice to all believers to read their religious books themselves apart from being read by their preachers, this is one of the ways to deal with corrupt sects in the country from criminals who want to be God's servants.

Preachers who were found guilty, the government is asked to do justice to the members of the community who were affected by bad religious training, such as forced fasting until death for the sake of seeing Jesus.
religious claims.

Mohammed Ismail,
Tv presenter Kuza news &
media student Rongo University 

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