Nyanza leaders to support president Ruto.

27th June, 2023

Politics defines a person and also their geographical area to which they dwell . 

Three months back, Kenyans came out in large number and voted for their leaders and president William Ruto being one of those elected to push for development in Kenya.

 Regarding the tally done by the IEBC, out of the 100% voters in the Nyanza region, they voted Azimio a competitor coalition to the current working coalition. 

Due to this, a lot of political differences has been noticed among the leaders.
 During the President William Rutos visit to Homabay, it was noticed that the local leaders did not attend to that service for reason being;political difference .

 It's with high time that the Nyanza leaders to collaborate with the president to help him push development to the citizens. 

The president has scheduled some trips to the Nyanza region one of them being Homabay on Friday and Siaya on Saturday even though some politicians still bring about some argument on whether to attend or not.
 The president is for all whether for those who voted for him and those who voted for their competitor.

Juma Philip
Rongo University.



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