Yes technology has affected relationships.

27th June, 2023

Since the advent of technology, family relationships have changed in both positive and negative ways.Technology can interfere with communication, sow discord among family members and lead to increased isolation. 

(The Negative Impact of Technology on Family Relationships)
As our lives become increasingly busy, it can be all too easy to retreat into our little world and forget about the people who matter most to us. Family relationships are some of the most important relationships we have, but they can also be the hardest to maintain. With work, school and other commitments taking up so much of our time, it's all too easy for families to grow apart. And while technology can help us stay connected to our loved ones, it can also hurt family relationships.

For example, when everyone in the family is constantly looking at their phone or tablet instead of talking to each other, it can create feelings of isolation and disconnection. This is especially true for children, who may feel like they're not as important as the devices their parents are spending so much time on. In addition, online communication can never replace face-to-face interaction. When we rely too heavily on technology to stay in touch with our loved ones, we risk losing the ability to connect with them on a deeper level.

Of course, technology isn't all bad. Used sparingly and intelligently, it can help improve family relationships. For example, if you live far away from your family and can't always be there in person, video chat can help you feel like you're still a part of their lives. Just remember that technology should supplement your relationship, not replace it. The next time you're with your family, put away your devices and focus on quality time together. It's the best way to keep your family relationships strong.

 Lack of Quality Time Spent Together In our fast-paced, ever-connected world, it's easy to let the people who matter most get lost in the shuffle. Whether you're juggling a demanding job and family responsibilities or simply trying to keep up with a busy social calendar, carving out quality time for your loved ones can be a challenge. But it's important to remember that spending time together is an essential part of maintaining strong relationships. If you're finding it hard to make time for those closest to you.

Schedule regular date nights or weekend outings with your partner. If you have young children, take turns watching them so you can each have some adult time.
Make an effort to attend your kids' school events or extracurricular activities.
Dedicate at least 30 minutes each day to catching up with your spouse or partner without distractions like TVs, phones, or computers. And when you're spending time with loved ones, really focus on being present and showing them how much they mean to you. A little quality time can go a long way toward keeping your relationships strong.
The Distraction from Important Conversations

In a world filled with constant distractions, it can be hard to have important conversations. Whether we're trying to have a conversation with our spouse about a serious issue or we're trying to have a heart-to-heart with our child about their future, there always seems to be something pulling our attention away. One of the most common distractions during conversations is our phones.
We might think we're being polite by putting our phone down on the table, but all it takes is one notification to break our concentration. Even if we're not looking at our phones, the sound of a text message or email coming in can be enough to derail the conversation. To have successful conversations, we need to be fully present and engaged. That means putting away our phones, turning off the TV and giving the other person our undivided attention. Only then can we hope to truly connect with them and have the type of conversation we need to have.

Brian nyachae,
ICT manager, 



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