Government urged to take action against child marriage.

30th May, 2023

It is a topic at hand and a lot of concentration and Consideration is required to be put in place over this pathetic issue of child marriage in Kenya.

According to the girls hot brides international partnership, about 20million girls around the world, not excluding Kenya are married off before the age of 18 years. It is worrying to note that girl child marriage under the age of 18 years happens every 5 seconds. If to note, the rate of child marriage in Kenya is increasing by a large percentage daily, especially on the female gender.

Even though the girls are much affected by this, it is also clear that the boy child is also guilty of this under marriage. To review on the Kenyan constitution, there is need to comply with the policy's and laws that are put in place to help curb this child marriage. In the section14 of the children act, there are numerous pathetic acts that are prohibited for the well-being of both boy child and girl child. If to mention; female circumcision, early marriage and other prohibited customs that are negatively affecting the child's health, social welfare, psychological welfare, dignity and physical fitness among others.

In the year 2014, with the concern of the MPs and the senators there was adoption of the marriage act (the legal age of marriage for both men and women) and for all forms of marriage to be 18 years and above. To think about and recall on the reality data according to the UNICEF, 25% of the Kenyan girls are married off before the age of 18 while that of boy child stand at 5% before the age of 18. The main cause of this early marriages is triggered by; poverty, gender inequality, customs and religion, parental conflict, environmental disasters among others.

There are multiplies possible reasons for a family to justify child marriage. For instance, in some communities, unplanned pregnancy become the way bridge to child marriage as the facts stands that these girls are viewed as burden and outcast to the family. While in some communities, child marriage is viewed as a way bridge to take the family from the grass root level that is poverty and hardship. There is hope alarming as in the recent years, Kenyan development, UNICEF and the Australian government partnered to fight child marriage and raise public awareness over the issue.

The Kenyan government lead by His Excellency president William Ruto should keep eyes on this county's recording high number of child marriage. If to mention; Garisa, Wajir, Isiolo, Turkana and kisii among others. There is need to organize crusades and campaigns against child marriage. The young generation are the future Kenyan leaders, parents and ambassadors. Let's not ruin their future, rather help them to maintain their dignity and self-esteem.

Juma Philip

media student &

Journalist Kuza news television.



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