Small scale industries now promote economic growth.

24th May, 2023

According to business process and manufacturing for region market of vision 2030, Kenya is in the target of becoming the provider of choice for the basic manufacturing. Goods in the Eastern and central. Something surprising is that, this will be attained through improved competitiveness in the manufacturing goal. How will this be attained if the probability of job provision is low in the same industries ! The target becomes permissive by entailing promises that, specific strategies will involve restructuring of the key locals to the industries which will use law materials with no competitive edge. Such materials include sugar.

It now surprises that, even when Kenya aims the demand of improving competitive aspects, youth are not given priorities to show their potential in the sector. This is a contributor which has made a number of them to start self-employment. Making of molasses before being processed to sugar for consumption is one of the major key role among the youth, majorly in remote area and others where sugarcane is highly planted. In Endereti village that is located at Bomachoge borabu Constituency in Kisii county, Thomas Nyangaresi emerges to be a special guest in the matters concerning sugar production through the use of manual methods which do not require costly machines. Having worked for the last ten year in the industry of processing sugar to molasses, He expresses his great demand on how it has led to sustainability of his day-to-day life.

On the talk, he states that processing of sugar to molasses is one of the things that he inherited from his father. Being a business man, he managed to get profit when it comes to molasses. Our questions do not tend to end as expected. How do you manage to make sugar, "Making sugar for sale is not my credit alone, but also the best priority for providing employment opportunities to the youth. Since I started this work of making solid molasses I have employed a number of youth who seemed to lose focus in life. Through little opportunities I got, chances of liberating success was my first priority. The words of Thomas cultivate our interest towards demanding to get more from him." My first time to do this work made me to highlight my plans before going extreme to start the business. Human labor is one of the basic mandatory." How many youths have you employed," I have been privileged to employ four youths. They have contributed to the success of this business." How does the process of making sugar happen," T o make juice that should never have boiled to the point of sugar production is one of the key efforts. First, one is supposed to maintain the battle.

During the evening hours, sugarcane is cut and arranged at the point where the crushing machine is. The machine does not use fuel ,it uses two bulls which are tied and then forced to rotate within as one person puts sugarcane to the machine and the juice squized to the specific point where a collecting sufuria is placed. "How long does this take? "I t depends. At times, it may take five hour or six." after Commencing with the production of juice, then special sufurias are placed on the fire point and arranged in an orderly way. Purposely to generate fair distribution of fire. After the arrangement, the juice is placed in the metal sufurias. The fire is then lit as the juice boils up to a hundred degrees. When boiling has ended, the the juice that turns to molasses is then turned to one metal sufuria where the final boiling takes place."What majorly happens after the final boiling,"At this point, two woody stems are aligned across the point where the sufuria purposely to hold and help in removing from the fire. After it is done, It is taken to the point where, cooling is done. During this moment, specific metal cups do play a role of ensuring the hold liquid molasses in order to be in solid state. After cooling, molasses is then put in the cups which are used to hold it. They are arranged in order. After they are filled, they are left for an hour before the solid molasses is removed and then packed for marketing. Majorly, what challenges have you been facing so far,"The major challenge is climate. In other words, weather changes. Rain is one of the challenges, more especially when molasses is in the process of boiling. This has resulted in making of huge loses. Shortage of fire for preparing it is among the challenges.,"

What about market and the price of one cup. In marketing, we have not experienced any challenge, or maybe we say that we have been lacking people to purchase. The price is affordable, just fifty shillings per cup." How has this industry helped you," The income that I generate from this task is what I use to feed my family through, paying school fees and other related matters. My urge to the youth is that let them not despise any work or opportunity they get.

Today jobs are limited in Kenya, and therefore it is quite difficult to install a priority once gone. At the climax point, Thomas notes that everyone should take advantage of the available opportunity since the economy is quite difficult at the moment.

Vincent Moses,

Reporter Kuza television,

Kisii county.

(Photo courtesy, Vincent Moses. )



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