Rongo university comrades recall memorable moments with the late KIDDO.

9th November, 2023

Rongo university comrades, today on 8th of November 2023 gathered at the infocoms block which is located within the university to pay tribute to their fellow comrade Abel Pchumba alias KIDDO who was a third year student at Rongo University. He was taking barchelors degree media and journalism.

Kiddo met his death after having an argument with his friend over four hundred and fifty shillings ( Chairman of pokot students who witnessed noted during the candle lighting event). After the urguement, he was thereafter stabbed. After passing through some medications he passed away.

As the comrades gathered, they recalled his lightful moment in unlocking their future potential in both academic life.

Among the Rongo university student association leaders who attended the meeting were the secretary general, the Rusa treasurer, General rep, ladies rep, academic rep  school of INFOCOMS and other Rongo university leaders.

They recalled the contributions that Kiddo made during  his fine moments in 2022 students elections. His support to majority of the leaders who won.

On the other hand, third years Class representative termed KIDDO as a man of principles more especially in providing support when it comes to football class completions.

As the comrades paid their condolences, they acknowledged that a hero has fallen.
His body is at Tabaka Mission Hospital waiting to be laid to rest on 11th of November 2023 at his home ground in Pokot. 

By Editorial team KUZANEWSTV


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