Dental hygiene pillars human health.

28th May, 2023

Oral diseases also referred the tooth associated disease, pose a major health concern to many countries including Kenya. This had caused: pain, discomfort, disfigurement and even death. Good oral health makes one enjoy life, speaking of good dental hygiene can eneble one to attain good breath and also to do away with the dental diseases that can result to chewing problems.

At Kisii level six hospital, a dental expert discloses that, people are at high risk with the dental associated problems such as gingivitis. Majority of people who are at high risk include children at the age from fifteen  years and below. For one to have healthy teeth, he or she should remove sticky substances and avoid sugary foods in that they stick on the surface and bacteria then break down the sugar and make acid that now damages the tooth enamel. And when the enamel is destroyed by the acids makes the teeth loose and one can start to lose teeth and even experience pain.

According to the expert, he confirms that when teeth are not well taken care of, they can cause plaque that can later cause decay of the teeth. Also, there are some situations where gums pull away from the teeth thus causing Gum recession which results to more problems to the teeth. Plaque is hard to see but can be easily seen by staining “After brushing your teeth you can chew a disclosing tablet” this can now help one to notice by using it with a disclosing toothpaste, thus caring for your teeth.

As per the World Health Organization report 2022, estimates that, oral disease affects close to 3.5 billion people and of 3 out of 4 are from middle income countries. People now need to be aware of their health. Most of the diseases are emerging from consumption of sugary foods like sweets, biscuits and drinking drinks like soda. But the main cause is that, people consume these foods in large amounts, thus resulting to more suffering. Limitation in  consumption of these products is the only option.

Other associated problem with teeth is cleaning. In between the teeth where plaque can compose and even harden below the gum line thus causing Irritation. The gums become swollen hence resulting to easy bleeding. And can cause gingivitis while brushing and flossing. This hardened plaque can cause a substance called calculus or tartar. This is a serious problem, and it can be expensive to cure. When tartar is not removed it can cause periodontal disease and in advanced stages can cause painful chewing and sores in the mouth, mostly at the gums.

The flossing can be done by the use of floss thread by wrapping it in your finger or by use of a floss holder that is easy to use. Let's take care of our teeth since it is hygienic.

Brian Nyanchae,

media student & health Journalist

Kuza news television.

Health journalist.

Photo courtesy, Dental hygiene clinic.

Dental hygienist minnesota.

Herzing university. 



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