Let modern education instill creativity and skills.

28th May, 2023

The modern education system should accustom learners to curiosity, instill a culture of continuous learning, and impart the skill of creatively utilizing acquired knowledge. But first it must be infused with teachers who are secure enough in their own insecurities to welcome questioning, challenge, and young minds that process thought and experience differently than they do.

We all need to embrace the art of questioning. We should also not look for education system for all the things. Curiosity, continuous learning and application of knowledge are inherent to human personality. Look at a child how curious he/ she is, how they are continuously learning and adapting. Except in fundamentalist religious schools where authority has all the answers so, rejects dissent, and have no need for questioning minds.

Education is essential, and there are misconceptions going on where people favor self study over school education. It's true, there are things that schools do not offer which will be beneficial for the people in the future. Perhaps consider dealing with ambiguity, That’s one's constant and having the mental tenacity to swim through answer cope is critical for personal and professional well-being of even the teachers. It is difficult to get the opportunity to become an activist who can use the skills learned and acquired in a seniority-based society like Japan here in Kenya. The modern education system, the so-called competence Based Curriculum (CBC) should emphasize the skill of creatively utilizing acquired knowledge.

It's not enough to simply memorize facts and figures and struggle to cram, students should be encouraged to think critically, analyze information, and apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios. The modern education system should be a catalyst for curiosity, nurturing a thirst for knowledge that lasts a lifetime. It should foster a culture of continuous learning, encouraging us to explore and adapt in an ever-changing.

Brian Mwenda.

media student & Education/ sports journalist.

Kuza news television. 

Photo courtesy:Daily nation.

E school news.



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