Media industry should stop conning promotions.

24th July, 2023

"What's the main role of the media?" Asks Juma Philip. Is to educate and inform citizens of their daily proceedings of the citizens themselves and their geographical sorroundings .

For the past years, various media houses if to mention;radio and Tv stations,have introduced numerous promotions that seeks for reward to those individuals who may attempt their lack.
The fact stands,that thousands of citizens get themselves in these promotions and loose alot of money.The houses could go to an extent of giving fine enticement of recording those individuals to whom they blackmail to have won the promotions .These promotions are not even regulated by BCLB and given license.

These media houses have decided to run these programs in their daily shows 24/7 without giving a chance of rest.It's with high time that the media council should come in and save citizens from these silent conning by the media houses .The council should license all these promotions by giving them BCLB numbers.The council should also regulate the hours advertisement of these promotions to give out a specific time for the promotions.

Juma Philip, 
Kuza TV. 



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