You Searched for "fahamu za kuza"

56 result found.

6 result found.

media video KUZA News TV ||Wosia wa Ijumaa.

KUZA News TV ||Wosia wa Ijumaa.

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media video Vihaga women rep to president Ruto:Truly you are zakayo tax tem.

Vihaga women rep to president Ruto:Truly you are zakayo tax tem.

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media video Senetor Edwin Sifuna.Sisi waluyah hatuna shida punguza bei ya unga.

Senetor Edwin Sifuna.Sisi waluyah hatuna shida punguza bei ya unga.

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media video President Ruto: Since I have already been referred to as Zakayo in some areas, maybe we will have a tax collectors day,

President Ruto: Since I have already been referred to as Zakayo in some areas, maybe we will have a tax collectors day,

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media video Wosia Wa ijumaa,kipindi kikali zaidi.

Wosia Wa ijumaa,kipindi kikali zaidi.

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media image KUZA NEWS TV  practitioners.

KUZA NEWS TV practitioners.

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